A group of whitetail deer were feeding on one of the promotories on North Table Mountain as we were exploring off-trail on a gorgeous January day. They heard us coming and this buck watched me taking photos before he took off down the side cliffs. It was awesome to see him so beautiful and strong in front of the skyline of downtown Denver, Colorado.
A drive up to the summit of Lookout mountain west of Golden Colorado to look at the fantastic views is a fun afternoon. A view from the summit is worth the drive.
Teig checking out the snowy condition behind Coors Rock outside of Golden, Colorado. A good snow storm had hit Colorado in mid-winter which left fun conditions on South Table Mountain for a hike.
A great hike up South Table Mountain on the east side of Golden, Colorado. Coors Original’s emblem Coors Rock’s back side is in the background. Hiking here after ss snow storm is a blast. Teig loves these conditions.
A winter storm moved into Golden Colorado and left a snowy white landscape good for an afternoon hike. South Table Mountain is great for exploration when it snows. The whole landscape seems completely different and usually very quiet.
While sauntering on South Table Mountain i came across a young man jogging on the iced over trail. He had his ice breakers on and was jogging on. No stopping him!
North of Golden Colorado the coal and freight trains travel at the base of the Front Range mountains on the expedition to deliver their goods. This is one of my favorite short hikes near Coal Creek to saunter out to the mesa and watch these behemoths switch tracks, by-pass each other and slowly make their way to their destinations with Denver in the background. Who doesn’t love to watch the long trains chug along?
A view from a hill near Green Mountain north to Golden Colorado at the peak of Spring. This area is wonderful when spring moisture comes. It is super green and I feel like singing… “The hills are alive with the sound of music”.