Wildlife Fine Art Portfolio
Curated gallery of highlighted wildlife fine art photographs from photographer Cary Leppert.

"Alpine Mountain Goat with Snow Flurries"
This mountain goat was feeding on the side of Mount Evans outside of denver Colorado as snow flurries were flying in mid-August 2016

Grazing American Bison
A very wooley American Bison grazing in Badlands National Park near Spring Creek. He was quite content eating with the birds and paid me no mind. Some other bulls were a little more put out by my presence.The American Bison is an icon of the Great Plains. At Badlands, bison roam the 64,000 acre wilderness area in the western side of the North Unit. Visitors to the park can view them, as I did,in the area containing Sage Creek Rim Road.

I Am Watching You
A mountain lion relaxing off a Colorado trail and watching us after he had chased and almost attacked my dog Teig.

Buck Above the Denver Skyline
A group of whitetail deer were feeding on one of the promotories on North Table Mountain as we were exploring off-trail on a gorgeous January day. They heard us coming and this buck watched me taking photos before he took off down the side cliffs. It was awesome to see him so beautiful and strong in front of the skyline of downtown Denver, Colorado.

Doe at the Bosque Del Apache
Late afternoon at theBosque Del Apache refuge and a doe came out of the thickets to grab a drink and say hello. Her warm colors blended in with grass and leaves. It was a warm greeting.

Lone Rocky Mountain Goat
A lone mountain goat grazing on Mount Evans on a summer day as the it was beginning to snow. This is typical even in August above 14,000 feet amsl in the Rockies of Colorado.

Take Off of a Ferruginous Hawk
Traveling the 4x4 roads north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is an adventure. You come across a plethora of wild birds and critters. I photographed this hawk who sat on a fence post watching me create some landscape photographs of the lake. When I turned my attention to him, he decided that the interest had dissipated and he was “out here”. Made for a good “exit” photograph.

"Elk Cows Socializing"
Elk on Green Mountain hangin together as the sun sets of the Front Range of Colorado.

"Couple Chilly Bluebirds"
A couple bluebirds perched on bushes in the deep snow next to Mathew Winters trail near Redrocks Park in morrison Colorado.

"Elk on Green Mountain"
A herd of Elk Cows on Green Mountain outside of Golden Colorado on a cool Autumn Day.

Young Mountain Billie on the Side of a Peak
A buck on the side of Mount Evans in Colorado

Reflections on the Iced Lake
Geese resting on a semi-frozen Colorado lake.

Steep Climb in Zion
Bighorn Sheep working themselves up a near vertical cliff face in Zion National Park.

"Large Bison Watching Me"
A huge bull bison watching me as I photograph him at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge outside of Denver Colorado.

Perched Bluebird
A bluebird perched in South Valley Park outside of Denver Colorado/

The Flock in Mass
Blackbirds flying in mass at the Bosque Del Apache Refuge in central New Mexico. These birds fly in unison and it looks like a beautiful dance in the air. It is mesmerizing to watch especially when there are hundreds of them dancing.

Momma Porcupine in a Tree
For the second time in as many weeks we ran into a porcupine on a trail north of Vail, colorado. She was huge and a mamma walking toward Teig and I and couldn't recognize us unil she was about 25 feet away. Luckily, Teig was on leash at the moment and their was no altercation. I let her move to a nearby tree and climb up about eight feet before getting this photograph of her where she felt safe. She was gorgeous.

Great Blue Heron perched in Algae
A beautiful Great Blue Heron relaxing on a stump in an Algae filled pond at Kountze Lake in Colorado.

Address: 450 South Quitman Street, Denver CO 80219….Phone: 720-987-5188….Email: CaryLeppert@LeppertAssociates.com