Beagle Hot Air Balloon
Balloons Firing in the Dark
Firing Up the Balloon
Photographers Everywhere at the Balloon Fiesta
Evening Glow at Balloon Fiesta
Full Basket into the Sky
Ageless Wonder at Balloon Fiesta
"Colors Above Us"
Beagle Hot Air Balloon

got to Participate in the 2017 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta’s Special Shapes Glowdeo. This event happens after dark when the fire up the hot air balloons and keep them tethered to the ground. It is beyond beautiful and very special event. One of my personal favorites this year was the beagle balloon… reminded me of my puppy Teig.

Balloons Firing in the Dark

Dawn patrol going up at the 2014 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Firing Up the Balloon

A hot air balloon at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta filling up the balloon with hot air for it's flight in the morning.

Photographers Everywhere at the Balloon Fiesta

The 2017 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a feast for photographers. I attended the special shapes Glowdeo on a thursday evening of the fiesta. Tens of thousands showed up to witness this colorful event and everyone was taking photographs. Some were using phones and others were using cameras but all were having a fantastic evening capture moments.

Evening Glow at Balloon Fiesta

One of those beautiful evenings at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico. The fiesta is an explosion of color and the balloon glow at sunset can be spectacular. This hot air balloon was glowing with bright colors with the silhouette of cacti and wrangling cowboy gave the perfect ambiance to the end of the day. What a perfect way to spend an October evening in the desert of New Mexico.

Full Basket into the Sky

A full basket of people heading up into the sky at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.

Ageless Wonder at Balloon Fiesta

The 2017 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is special no matter your age. An older gentleman shows his fascination at the colors and flames at the evening Special Shapes Glowdeo. I saw the expression in the older folks as well as the little kids.

"Colors Above Us"

Hot air balloons floating above me at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.