This church, built in 1935, replacing an older one that burned in 1860. The church anchors the main plaza of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Abiquiú means "wild choke cherry place" in the Tewa language. The community is also called Santo Tomas de Abiquiú and the Pueblo of Santo Tomas de Abiquiú.
Doorway to History in Alamo Canyon
This is the abandoned historic house in Alamo Canyon set in the Ajo Range in southern Arizona. There is a great trail to this location and is one of the gems in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. I really love sauntering in this region during the mid winter months.
Taos Area Black & White Images
I was in Taos, New Mexico last month and created some great images. I really like the different textures of the black and white images that can be created with the scenery of the area. Here are a few images I recently processed.