Thanksgiving Holiday Pies

Thanksgiving this year had a plethora of holiday pies. Minced meat, pumpkin and cherry were featured at our celebration. Shawn, Miki and Don Leppert created these wonderful baked goods to celebrate the holiday. They were so beautiful that I had to spend some time photographing these delicious sweet treats. These images hopefully capture how phenomenal they tasted!

Teig the "TrailDog "

I wanted to introduce my favorite model/assistant/friend. Teig is a 5 year old labradoodle who lives, works and accompanies me on my adventures. He never complains and is very eager to explore and photographic new places. He also models for me in many of the locations we visit and his wage is just a few treats, which is extremely affordable as models go. Being attractive and very camera friendly makes him so easy to work with and loves to take "Frisbee" breaks in between shots which makes most shoots very enjoyable. Here is Teig in Wild Rivers National Monument on the Rio Grande in Northern New Mexico. As you can plainly see, he is a natural with his pose and his facial control is spectacular. I have never worked with a better and more professional model.