Teig taking a rest in the patch of dinosaur eggs in the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico. What better place to take a load off then rock formations that look like prehistoric eggs?
White Hill in Bisti Rock Field
A white "Mountain" in some interesting rock formations deep inside the Bisti Badlands. This area was once a riverine delta that lay just to the west of the shore of an ancient sea, the Western Interior Seaway, which covered much of New Mexico 70 million years ago.
Classic Teig at Bisti Badlands
A classic Teig pose at the beautiful Bisti Badlands in the desert Southwest. This pose is what usually occurs when I tell Teig to wait and I raise my camera up… he then proceeds to sit down and stare magnificently off into the distance. He has perfected this regal pose and uses it all the time. Models seem to have their fall back comfort pose and I believe this is his. I can’t complain because I really do love the pose and I love him too!
Water Spouts on Mountain Stream
St. Louis Creek in Fraser Experimental Forest outside of Winter Park Colorado. I found this cool waterscape a ways up the old road which is now used as a trail for hikers and mountain bikers to ascend the mountains to St. Louis Lake. I love the water spouts shooting out of the corrugated pipe.
Lone Hereford in the Sangre De Cristos
A solitary Hereford cow was standing calm and relaxed in a sea of golden grass deep in the Sangre De Cristo Range of Northern New Mexico.