Traildog in the Badlands

A sunny day to explore Badlands National Park in South Dakota. Teig squinting on a hill in the park as we explore the arid environment and search for the little treasures that come with exploring such a beautiful place.

Traildog in the Badlands

Turkey on Badland's Trail

Hiking on the east side of Badlands National Park I crossed paths with this turkey. She was in no hurry and was not worried about me. So we hung out on the trail together for a bit. I really like turkeys and I am always stoked when I see them. They usually are very skittish but I guess in National Parks they are protected and more outgoing than just in the National Forest.

Turkey on Badland's Trail

Asserting Dominance

While exploring the area around Sage Creek in Badlands National Park we came across this large bull American Bison. He was a good 30+ yards from us but was showing typical signs of dominance and “I am the big boy on the block”. He was rolling in the grass and dusting up the area around him. He was grunting and dropping his head. I heeded his display and moved in the opposite direction. These guys are so interesting, massive and mesmerizing to see in the wild. I really enjoy just watching them do their thing. South Dakota has numerous wild herds and is a fantastic place to check them out. I am so very happy that we didn’t hunt them to extinction and have instead reintroduced them to the wild in our wildlife refuges and parks.

Asserting Dominance