Teig photobombing a landscape shot of Alpine Fireweeds next to the road at Boreas Pass above Breck in Colorado. I was setting up this nice evening shot of these purple flowers and Teig just walks up into the frame. I didn't really mind and I think he helps the composition. I would always put him in my landscape photographs but I am sure people are already overwhelmed with Teig in most of my photos.
Rolling in the Snow on Whale Peak
When we find snow fields while hiking in the high Colorado Rockies, it is required for Teig to play and roll around on them. He LOVES this! We found this one on Whale Peak near Georgia Pass. Stoic Mount Guyot is in the background.
Teig Focused on the Trail from Glacier Peak
Looking towards Mount Guyot from Glacier Peak in the Front Range mountains of Colorado. So awesome to be hiking these alpine ridges with my Colorado Traildog Teig.
French Pass in July
Above Breckenridge Colorado sits a beautiful mountain pass that is joy to hike to… French Pass. This pass sites between the mammoth peaks of Guyot and Bald Mountain. In July there is still snowfields at the pass which are cool playground for dogs and hikers. We are looking towards the french creek creek and the valley to the east of the pass.