A winter landscape view while hiking Mount Galbraith above Golden Colorado. The Denver skyline can be seen in the far distance. Mount Galbraith is one the most popular Jefferson County trails near Golden. Hundreds of hikers frequent it on the weekends. Best time to hit this trail is during the week.
Teig on the Snowy Trail at North Table Mountain
Trails are snow packed on North Table Mountain much of the time in January. Teig loves the snow and cool conditions on a sunny day in the Front Range Mountains of Colorado. Not to many hikers and the crisp cool landscape is great for exploring!
Traildog on South Table Mountain at Dusk
Teig and I love to hikes on South Table Mountain outside of Golden Colorado after work. The large mesa is a place close to metro Denver but has a quaint wilderness feel when out exploring near dark. Teig is shown here near one of the promontories on the north side of the open space.
Buck Above the Denver Skyline
A group of whitetail deer were feeding on one of the promotories on North Table Mountain as we were exploring off-trail on a gorgeous January day. They heard us coming and this buck watched me taking photos before he took off down the side cliffs. It was awesome to see him so beautiful and strong in front of the skyline of downtown Denver, Colorado.