Teig sauntering on a trail after sunset with Sheeprock in the distance. We were enjoying our first night out camping in the Front Range Mountains for 2020. It is so relaxing to get a nice hike in at sunset and capture a few photos to boot!
Traildog at Lost Park
Autumn colors abound in late September in the high country of Colorado. Teig loves hikes under the canopy of gold colored aspens. He even looks stately in grass field between those aspens.
Aspen Stands Before Spring Awakening
Early spring in the Colorado Rockies show the “bare bones” of the aspens before they begin to leaf. Lost Park near the Lost Creek Wilderness is a great place to check out the multitude of aspen stands before the bloom.
Resting by Lost Creek
Teig resting by Lost Creek on our hike into the Colorado’s Lost Creek Wilderness on Wigwam Trail. This wilderness is a fantastic area to explore and is relatively quiet compared to the other Front Range mountain areas near Denver. Lost Creek is also great to cool off in on warm summer days on the trail.