Teig coming down the trail from a cool boulder formation near Sheeprock. We had fun playing in the rocks and were making our way back to camp before the dark of night.
Beautiful Evening on Sheeprock Trail
Teig sauntering on a trail after sunset with Sheeprock in the distance. We were enjoying our first night out camping in the Front Range Mountains for 2020. It is so relaxing to get a nice hike in at sunset and capture a few photos to boot!
Morning Sunrise on Snowy Range Lake
Teig and I watched the sunrise from South Twin Lake in the Snowy Range of Southern Wyoming. Life is so good when I can watch the beauty in nature with this guy. I relish these moments!
Traildog Resting at Geneva Mountain Pond
Teig found a nice snow patch to get cooled off on our hike up to Geneva Mountain near Guanella Pass. We adore our alpine hikes and can’t wait for the snow to recede and get up above the tree line. I believe this environment is the best for hiking. It affords us fantastic views of the peaks and valleys and fills our souls.
Teig and Mount Bierstadt
Teig and I were sauntering up to Square Top Lakes above Guanella Pass when I got this portrait of him with Mount Bierstadt in the background. Bierstadt is one of the 14ers in the Front Range Mountains of Colorado. There were only a few hikers going up Bierstadt on this day because it was the first day the road to the pass was open after spring.
Morning Breeze in Death Valley
On our last morning in Death valley National Park we sauntered around the salt flat near Badwater which is the lowest point in North America at -282 feet below sea level. The winds were kicking up pretty good and Teig had his fur flowing with the breeze. It was very quiet on this morning and we were on the west side of the valley which only has a rough dirt road with hardly any tourists.
Just Chillin Off the Trail
Teig on a long hike to Blue Lake in the Never Summer Mountains of northern Colorado. When you get a chance to relax in the shade off of the trail you take it. A little down time on a 10 mile saunter in the Rockies is good for the body and soul.