A couple of ducks swimming together on Kountze lake in Lakewood Colorado.
Pair of Snow Geese in Flight
A pair of beautiful white snow geese flying overhead at the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico.
Sandhill Crane at Bosque
A lone Sandhill Crane standing in a waterlogged field at the Bosque Del Apache in Central New Mexico.
Hawk Eyes on Me
A Cooper’s hawk up in a tree watching Teig and I walking along Kountz Lake at Belmar Park in Lakewood Colorado.
Hawk Silhouette at Carolyn Holmberg Preserve
I find zen with a winter evening’s stroll around Carolyn Holmberg Nature Preserve in Broomfield Colorado. There are many species of birds and mammals that occupy this open space during the winter months. Keeping your eyes open and searching the trees you will most certainly find hawks and maybe an eagle perched in the branches. On this evening there was this hawk resting high in the cottonwood tree silhouetted against the beautiful colors in the sky from the setting sun. How lucky we are to witness the wonder and beauty of nature in Colorado.
Songbirds during Snow Storm
Small birds finding a little refuge from the snow at Redrocks in Morrison Colorado.