Flaming Gorge Reservoir Makes a U-Turn

Hiking to a promontory point at the Flaming Gorge Recreation Area to get a fantastic view of the reservoir. A great way to spend an afternoon in Utah. Rising 502 feet above bedrock, Flaming Gorge Dam impounds waters of the Green River to form the reservoir, which extends as far as 91 miles to the north. The reservoir has a total capacity of 3,788,900 acre-feet. At full elevation of 6,045 feet, it has a surface area of 42,020 acres.

Crooked Canyon Wyoming

The southwest corner of Wyoming seems like the badlands of America. It’s high plateau deserts are dry and the rock formations show the historical depositional environment. Stopping off and exploring this area is fun, especially in the cooler months of spring. Crooked Canyon is a great place to stop and saunter through exploring the geology, fauna and flora of the region.