The warm sensation one feels when they approach a colorful stand of Colorado autumn aspens.
Llama Running Along Fence
This llama was super curious of Teig and I when we got out of our truck to photograph the storm over the distant vistas. He kept an eye on us the whole time to make sure we didn’t trespass on his turf.
Grove of Mangrove Trees on Tiger Key
I love the different formations of mangrove trees in the Everglades National Park’s Keys. I couldn’t help but use them as focal subjects for my photographs. Coming from the Colorado Rockies, these swamp/marsh forests are super cool.
Aspen Stands Before Spring Awakening
Early spring in the Colorado Rockies show the “bare bones” of the aspens before they begin to leaf. Lost Park near the Lost Creek Wilderness is a great place to check out the multitude of aspen stands before the bloom.
Colorado Color in the Gulch
Autumn Colors in Colorado are Awesome! You don’t even need a large peak in the background to be overwhelmed.