Downtown Denver's Skyscrapers across Sloan's Lake in mid-winter. This park is frequented by the public wanting to enjoy a stroll around the lake and get outside for fresh air.
Morning Sunrise on Snowy Range Lake
Teig and I watched the sunrise from South Twin Lake in the Snowy Range of Southern Wyoming. Life is so good when I can watch the beauty in nature with this guy. I relish these moments!
Bison Lounging at the Great Salt Lake
A small herd of bison were lounging on the beaches of Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. This island is a state park and a wonderful location to explore Salt Lake. Ogden Utah is located across the lake.
Ruin Buoy on Great Salt Lake Shore
We were exploring the shore on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake and came upon this historic metal buoy. It was fun seeing the past on display at this beach.This is why we get off the trail and explore a location when traveling across the American West.