Zebras - Launch Director is the first person of contact for the pilots and crews on the field. In their black and white attire LDs, aka Zebras, are rather prominent ambassadors of Fiesta. The LDs work with the pilots to conduct a Safe Coordinated Launch. Even well before daylight, the LDs walk their rows to greet pilots and crews. They remind the pilots about the 3 Row Rule. During inflations, the LDs look for proper tie offs and anything out of the ordinary. The flight operations kick off when the Balloon of the Day launches as the National Anthem is played from the stage. At the conclusion of the anthem, the LDs are able to start launching the first wave. Each LD has a conversation with the pilot about the launch. The discussion may include overhead traffic, layers of wind, false lift warnings, and other topics necessary for a successful launch. The Launch Card (chit) is collected and then the LD clears the spectators down wind and reestablishes eye contact with the pilot. When the airspace above the balloon is clear the LD blows the whistle and gives thumbs up for launch. The LD stays in position until the balloon is above head level and in controlled flight. The LD waves or salutes while wishing a safe flight for the pilot and crew. LDs take this time to observe the balloon’s flight to be prepared for the next launch. Then it is on to the next balloon to repeat the launch process. After all the balloons are launched we shift our hats to become Landing Assistants. When the permission is granted to allow landings on the launch field, the LDs help the incoming balloons land safely until balloon crews arrive.
Filling a Hot Air Balloon at the Night Glow
Filling the hot air into balloons for the “Night Glow” activities is quite the sight. The flames shoot up 10 feet into the air in the balloon from the flame-thrower.
Fast Leather on Wheels
This extreme skateboarder was speeding down Lookout Mountain outside of Golden Colorado. He had a car 50 yards ahead clearing the road as he sped down this mountain. Lookout mountain is a 1,500 vertical foot descent from the nature preserve on the mountain to the edge of the city of Golden and highway 93 below. Luckily this skateboarder did not have a crash on the mountain road. Looks like fun unless you crash and that would be a real bummer!