A pair of lady hikers with their pup on a beautiful summer day at the summit of Mount Flora. Summer hiking in the Colorado Rockies is wonderful with a friend and especially with a dog to accompany both of you.
Colorado Mines Peak above Berthoud Pass
Summer hiking to Mount Flora in the Front Range Mountains of Colorado affords enthusiasts fantastic views of the surrounding mountains. You rise above Colorado Mines Peak with its Electronic Site and radio towers to see Red Mountain and Jones Pass in the distance. This is a very popular trail because it allows the hikers such fantastic views.
Rogers Pass Trail to James Peak
Summertime saunter up to James Peak in the Front Range Mountains of Colorado. This route is up the west side to Rogers Pass and then up the north face of the peak. The trail can be seen to the pass.
Teig on the Continental Divide Trail
A nice day for a hike in the Vasquez Peak Wilderness. This section of the continental Divide Trail near Berthoud Pass is fantastic in July with snowfields still present and wildflowers blooming. Definitely worth the trip.
Alpine Trail to Stanley Mountain
A beautiful summer day above 11,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains outside of Winter Park. Sauntering through the alpine landscape is one of our favorite ways to decompress from a crazy work week. Teig is definitely the scout on the trail leading most of the way.
“Memories of the Bread Basket
Structures still remain on the great plains of eastern Colorado of the American farming families of the past. A lone decrepit structure in a field of golden grass whispers of a fertile productive time.
Traildog at Lost Park
Autumn colors abound in late September in the high country of Colorado. Teig loves hikes under the canopy of gold colored aspens. He even looks stately in grass field between those aspens.
Treasure Creek Falls
Beautiful waterfalls on Treasure Creek in the San Juan Range of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We hiked on Summit Trail to these falls which were dappled in nice midday sunlight, perfect to sit beside and have lunch and listen to the sounds of the roaring stream.
Bison Lounging at the Great Salt Lake
A small herd of bison were lounging on the beaches of Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. This island is a state park and a wonderful location to explore Salt Lake. Ogden Utah is located across the lake.
Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
This church, built in 1935, replacing an older one that burned in 1860. The church anchors the main plaza of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Abiquiú means "wild choke cherry place" in the Tewa language. The community is also called Santo Tomas de Abiquiú and the Pueblo of Santo Tomas de Abiquiú.
Ruin Buoy on Great Salt Lake Shore
We were exploring the shore on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake and came upon this historic metal buoy. It was fun seeing the past on display at this beach.This is why we get off the trail and explore a location when traveling across the American West.
Standing in Browns Lake
Teig resting his paws in Browns Lake high in the Cache La Poudre Wilderness north of Rocky Mountain National Park. Trekking back to this lake from the valley below was worth the hike. The gorgeous cirque with alpine ridges sits above the lake and is not overly visited by hikers. I would consider this location a nice place in the Colorado Rockies to get away from the crowds. It is approximately a 4.5 mile hike in to reach the lake.
Dinosaur National Monument Canyon
Looking out over Dinosaur National Monument in Northwest Colorado is a wonderful experience. The canyons span out under you and you can see for miles into the heart of the beautiful American West.
Natural Fireworks Above Green
Flowers blooming above a sea of green. I just love natures color.
Aspens in Central Colorado
I consider aspens the backbone of Colorado Rocky Mountain forests.
Teig at Treasure Creek
The San Juan Range in Southwest Colorado is some of the most beautiful mountains in the continental United states. They are remote, wild and rugged. For those reasons Teig and I love to saunter into them. We were on Treasure Creek when I took this photo of Teig.
Traildog on the Ridges near Whale Peak
Teig and I love hiking the Rocky Mountain highlands in the Front Range Mountains west of Denver. There are locations where you don’t run into a single other soul on a hike. This was one of those days when we hiked to Whale Peak in late summer.
Glimpse of Cuchara Valley
Hiking down from West Spanish Peak in the San Isabel National Forest, I found a clear spot through the forest to the Cuchara Valley below. We had just came out of a large thunderstorm and I could see one down in the valley below. This section of the Southern Colorado Rockies is very lush and green. The hiking here is fantastic.
Glimpse of Cuchara Valley
Sunset At Cordova Pass
A beautiful sunset Cordova Pass near West Spanish Peak. This section of the San Isabel National Forest in Colorado is unique in that it sits on the border of New Mexico. You can see the vast plains to the east and other mountain ranges north, south and west. This sunset occurred between storms that covered the region for a few days. This increased the beauty of the sunset and was a wonder to witness.
Sunset At Cordova Pass
Fishing with the Geese
A young boy having some fun at Denver’s City park fishing in Ferril Lake. The Geese were enjoying the park too and were strolling nearby and ambivalent to the boy. There are flocks of geese that make the park home all summer long.
Fishing with the Geese