Take Off of a Swainson's Hawk

Traveling the 4x4 roads north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is an adventure. You come across a plethora of wild birds and critters. I photographed this hawk who sat on a fence post watching me create some landscape photographs of the lake. When I turned my attention to him, he decided that the interest had dissipated and he was “out here”. Made for a good “exit” photograph

Black-capped Chickadee and Snowflakes

This Chickadee was braving the snowflakes during a snowstorm at RedRocks Park outside of Morrison Colorado. FYI: The song of the Black-capped Chickadee is one of the most complex vocalizations of all animals, acting as a contact call, an alarm call, to identify an individual, or to indicate recognition of a particular flock

Fishing with the Geese

A young boy having some fun at Denver’s City park fishing in Ferril Lake. The Geese were enjoying the park too and were strolling nearby and ambivalent to the boy. There are flocks of geese that make the park home all summer long.

Fishing with the Geese