Take Off of a Swainson's Hawk

Traveling the 4x4 roads north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is an adventure. You come across a plethora of wild birds and critters. I photographed this hawk who sat on a fence post watching me create some landscape photographs of the lake. When I turned my attention to him, he decided that the interest had dissipated and he was “out here”. Made for a good “exit” photograph

Crooked Canyon Wyoming

The southwest corner of Wyoming seems like the badlands of America. It’s high plateau deserts are dry and the rock formations show the historical depositional environment. Stopping off and exploring this area is fun, especially in the cooler months of spring. Crooked Canyon is a great place to stop and saunter through exploring the geology, fauna and flora of the region.

Sunrise at Pawnee Buttes

A beautiful Colorado sunrise in the middle of the Pawnee National Grasslands. We spent the night camping and photographing the stars the night before and still had time to photograph the sunrise and get back to Denver for other work.

Traildog at Historic 2-Bar Ranch

On a trip through Northwest Colorado we decided to explore Browns Park Wildlife Refuge on the Green River. We were visiting the Historic Ladore Schoolhouse and read some literature about the 2-Bar Ranch which was a mile hike from the schoolhouse. Teig and I decided to do quick jaunt over to the ranch and were thrilled to see how cool the ghost ranch was when we arrived. I had to get a shot of Teig near the corrals. I could imagine the “Old West” as we explored the ranch. A must see if you are in Browns Park.

Traildog at Historic 2-Bar Ranch