Lone Pronghorn in the Utah Sage

Exploring the backcountry of Northwest Utah you find a plethora of wildlife. Pronghorn Antelope are common in the area and I came across this guy alone in a remote valley near village of Lucin. I loved the vision of the sage, grass and him just standing there checking me out. I would say we had mutual interest in each other.

Take Off of a Swainson's Hawk

Traveling the 4x4 roads north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is an adventure. You come across a plethora of wild birds and critters. I photographed this hawk who sat on a fence post watching me create some landscape photographs of the lake. When I turned my attention to him, he decided that the interest had dissipated and he was “out here”. Made for a good “exit” photograph

Sunrise at Pawnee Buttes

A beautiful Colorado sunrise in the middle of the Pawnee National Grasslands. We spent the night camping and photographing the stars the night before and still had time to photograph the sunrise and get back to Denver for other work.