A snow storm hit the Sandia Mountains outside of Albuquerque New Mexico and Teig and I went out to explore Elena Gallegos Open Space. The Tree Cholla Cacti were so striking in the snow especially with their bright yellow fruit. It was surreal to see this landscape and the cacti in deep snow.
Pair of Snow Geese in Flight
A pair of beautiful white snow geese flying overhead at the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico.
Strange Formations
There are many strange and wondrous rock formations at the Bisti Badlands. When you explore the area your imagination runs free and you see so many different things in the formations. I love letting my mind spin in it’s own creativity.
Labradoodle, Sand and Badlands
Teig resting in the fine sand of the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico. It was late in the afternoon and the warm November sun was moving towards sunset in the west. We had been exploring the rock formations all day and I had sat down in the sand to rest for a moment and Teig did the same. There is something supremely special about the deserts of the southwest when you hear no sounds of civilization.
Resting Among Dinosaur Eggs
Teig taking a rest in the patch of dinosaur eggs in the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico. What better place to take a load off then rock formations that look like prehistoric eggs?
White Hill in Bisti Rock Field
A white "Mountain" in some interesting rock formations deep inside the Bisti Badlands. This area was once a riverine delta that lay just to the west of the shore of an ancient sea, the Western Interior Seaway, which covered much of New Mexico 70 million years ago.
Classic Teig at Bisti Badlands
A classic Teig pose at the beautiful Bisti Badlands in the desert Southwest. This pose is what usually occurs when I tell Teig to wait and I raise my camera up… he then proceeds to sit down and stare magnificently off into the distance. He has perfected this regal pose and uses it all the time. Models seem to have their fall back comfort pose and I believe this is his. I can’t complain because I really do love the pose and I love him too!
Petrified Log Alter
We found this petrified log on a rock pedestal in the Bisti Badlands of northern New Mexico. The log was so cool on the pedestal that it looked like it could have been alter used by the Anasazi Indians who lived in the area over 700 years ago. This wonderful surprise is why Teig and I love to explore the American West.
Boot Prints on the Badlands
Some sauntering explorer crossed the Bisti Badlands on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. We came across these boot prints while doing some of our own exploration of this fantastic desert landscape. I wonder what interesting things they encountered on their walkabout?
Colorado Traildog Standing in the Bisti Badlands
Teig standing tall and facing the setting sun in the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico.
Farewell Sunshine on Flat Rock
Last rays of the autumn sun reflecting off a beautiful flat rock formation in the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico.
Teig Waiting in the Bisti Badlands
Teig did a fair amount of waiting on me when we were in the Bisti Badlands. It was late fall so at least it was cool out and not scorching in the high Colorado Plateau desert. He still liked finding some shade to sit in while I composed numerous landscape images… patiently waiting to be off sauntering in these badlands.
Bisti Badland Rock Field
There are numerous rock fields to explore at Bisti Badlands in New Mexico. We came across this one and loved these twisted unique rocks in a basin. Sauntering in this surreal landscape is uber fun and fulfilling.
Resting in the Shade of Bisti Rocks
Tieg loves to find shade in rocks and watch me as I work a landscape scene. He will lay there and watch me until I finish and start to pack my backpack. He was especially relaxed in these Bisti Badlands rocks near the end of a day hiking on the Navajo reservation.
Red Table Top Rocks in Bisti Badlands
These beautiful rock formations are found in Bisti Badlands on the Navajo Reservation in Northwestern New Mexico. Teig and I love exploring this wonderful location whenever we are close to my home town of Farmington. It is a great day hike location especially in November, which was when we were here for this shoot.
Mushroom Formation at Bisti Badlands
There are a plethora of interesting rock formations in the Bisti Badlands of northern New Mexico. I came across this mushroom looking one in a lonesome canyon and thought it looked cool.
Cabezon Sunset
Cabezon Peak is one of the best-known and most visible landmarks in northwest New Mexico. Cabezon is located about 75 miles northwest of Albuquerque. This giant volcanic plug is visible for tens of miles in all directions, and as far away as Placitas. Cabezon means “big head” in Spanish, and it is aptly named. It is the largest of several dozen widely scattered rocky monoliths, called the Rio Puerco necks. Rising above the Rio Puerco valley floor, they are some of the best-preserved examples of volcanic necks in the world. The craggy black peaks stand in sharp contrast to the sparsely vegetated, buff-colored lowlands from which they emerge. Mt. Taylor looms majestically to the southwest, Mesa Prieta borders the valley to the east, and the Jemez Mountains are visible to the north. This starkly beautiful landscape is unique in New Mexico. At an elevation of 7,786 ft, Cabezon Peak towers more than 1,100 ft above its base, and 2,000 ft above the Rio Puerco nearby.
Bald Eagle Perched Above River
This Eagle was high above the Arkansas River in Central Colorado searching for his breakfast.
LODO Restaurant Winner
Restaurant banners of the city’s 5280 magazine winner were hung on the side of the building in Lower Downtown Denver Colorado. This composition caught my eye and love the texture and lines. You can find interest in many simple places, if you keep your eyes open.
LODO Restaurant Winne