Take Off of a Swainson's Hawk

Traveling the 4x4 roads north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is an adventure. You come across a plethora of wild birds and critters. I photographed this hawk who sat on a fence post watching me create some landscape photographs of the lake. When I turned my attention to him, he decided that the interest had dissipated and he was “out here”. Made for a good “exit” photograph

Traildog at Historic 2-Bar Ranch

On a trip through Northwest Colorado we decided to explore Browns Park Wildlife Refuge on the Green River. We were visiting the Historic Ladore Schoolhouse and read some literature about the 2-Bar Ranch which was a mile hike from the schoolhouse. Teig and I decided to do quick jaunt over to the ranch and were thrilled to see how cool the ghost ranch was when we arrived. I had to get a shot of Teig near the corrals. I could imagine the “Old West” as we explored the ranch. A must see if you are in Browns Park.

Traildog at Historic 2-Bar Ranch