Sauntering through RedRocks in Morrison, Colorado. If you get a chance, hit the area when there is snowstorm happening. Crowds will not be found and the serene red formations with snow makes for a wonderland for hiking. Teig absolutely loves winter in Colorado’s Front Range.
Shake It Off on South Peak
Spending time exploring South Peak above Twin Lakes in central Colorado. We found small ponds left from snow melt, not uncommon for alpine elevations above 12,000 feet. Teig enjoyed a quick dip before continuing with our hike on these beautiful ridges.
Traildog Scouting the Snow Covered Mountain Trail
Teig and I get excited about exploring the Front Range Mountains of Colorado after a spring snow storm. On this afternoon we were up on Mount Falcon outside of Morrison Colorado. We saunter the trails and explore nature in this serene scene. On these days there are very few others out on the trails. I highly recommend it.
Proud in the Winterscape
Teig is looking stately in the heavy snow on Mount Falcon outside of Morrison Colorado. This photo reminds me what a fantastic Traildog Teig is and how much experience he has in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. He has logged more miles than many hikers and has summited 24 Fourteeners in this beautiful state.
Winter Fun on Morrison Slide Trail
What is better than the bright sun shining on a snow covered Redrocks trail after a huge snowstorm? I think you can tell how Teig feels about that. He was enjoying the run through the snow and I was thoroughly enjoying the views of Denver towards the east. We had the whole trail to ourselves and was playing and having fun every second!
A View of the Colorado Flatirons
Teig looking at the fantastic views from South Table Mountain outside of Golden, Colorado. A great hike near sunset with the views of the Front Range and the Flatirons to the north.
Out in the Snow Storm
Teig covered in snow on Mount Falcon outside of Morrison Colorado during a large snow storm. We love these days in the mountains of Colorado.