A self portrait in the dead of winter at Bear Creek Lake Park.
Icicles in Bear Creek
Many of the plants next to Bear Creek in Colorado freeze in winter. These branches look fascinating with the thick ice and light shining through them.
Tree Cholla in the Snow
A snow storm hit the Sandia Mountains outside of Albuquerque New Mexico and Teig and I went out to explore Elena Gallegos Open Space. The Tree Cholla Cacti were so striking in the snow especially with their bright yellow fruit. It was surreal to see this landscape and the cacti in deep snow.
Teig on Boulder in Castlewood Canyon
Teig had jumped up on one of the boulders in Castlewood Canyon and was staring eye to eye with me when I came hiking down Inner Canyon Trail. He still amazes me how athletic he still is for an old dog.
Old Traildog on Resting Off Colorado Trail
Old dog still getting er done on the Colorado Trail. Over 10 miles and he still ran back and forth ahead of me for 3/4 of the trip. He amazes me. I guess we have been lucky to have so many wonderful adventures. I treasure every single one!
Cathedral Spires over the Hill
Cathedral Spires a few miles away from the Colorado Trail. This was the view near Raleigh Peak.
Western Spires on Long Scraggy Peak
Impressive spires on the western side of Long Scraggy Peak. The view is from the Colorado Trail north of the peak.
Winter's Light on Front Range Foothills
Beautiful setting sun light on the foothills near Chatfield State Park in southern Denver. A winter’s chill in the crisp air but the warm sun felt good before night falls on Colorado.
Pair of Snow Geese in Flight
A pair of beautiful white snow geese flying overhead at the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico.
Sandhill Crane at Bosque
A lone Sandhill Crane standing in a waterlogged field at the Bosque Del Apache in Central New Mexico.
Outside Looking in the Valley of Fire State Park
An early morning view into the Valley of Fire State Park in southern Nevada. A cool time to get a panorama of the park from it's south-west corner.
Colorado Traildog and his Sidekick
Working our modeling poses above 13,000 feet. We are striking the "Rocky Mountain High" pose for this photo. It is tough to look this awesome after hiking to the summit of a Colorado Peak.
Winding Road in Valley of Fire
One of the main features in Valley of Fire is the road winding through the wonderful rock formations. This is the main road looking south into the heart of the park.
Resting in Shade of the Red Sandstone
Teig was enjoying the cool shade provided by the Aztec Sandstone while we were hiking in the Valley of Fire State Park.
White Sandstone at Valley of Fire
Beautiful white sandstone distinctly contrasts with the red aztec sandstone at Valley of Fire in southern Nevada. The rich colors and textures make for a tasty treat for my eyes.
Red Rock Formations in Valley of Fire
The beautiful red rock formations are surrounding us for as far as the eye can see.
White Leading to Red
Beautiful white rock formations leading to Aztec Sandstone in the Valley of Fire. These formations were exposed where older rocks of Cambrian age (about 500 million years old) were pushed sideways on a thrust fault over younger rocks (Jurassic, about 160 million years old) of the Aztec Sandstone. The sandstone was originally laid down in a colossal, long-lived sandy desert much like today's Sahara. Before the area was a dry desert, it was an inland sea. The red color is from the presence of iron oxides in the sand.
Running to White Dome
Folks were hiking White Dome Loop in the Valley of Fire Park in southern Nevada. These kids were excited to see White Dome and were running down the sandstone formation leading their parents. I remember doing the same things when I was their age when my family visited national parks... I was always super excited. to tell the truth, I am still that way today.
The Dinosaurs Back
The beautiful red and white sandstone mixture in Valley of Fire Park in Nevada is awesome to witness in the golden hour. So many rock formations that wow the visitors. A desert landscape photographer's dream.
Valley of Fire Northern Vistas
The strong red sandstone formations in the Valley of Fire State Park in Southern Nevada. The Valley of Fire derives its name from red sandstone formations, believed to be the remains of a huge 150,000 square mile desert which existed in this region from about 192 to 178 million years ago.